El Festival del Cangrejo Azul, una tradición de los últimos 29 años en Palatka, no se celebrará en su trigésimo año.

Citando una gota de patrocinio para festivales más pequeños, el comité para el evento anunció en la página de Facebook del Festival Blue Crab que el festival no se celebraría este año, pero el comité tiene la intención de celebrar el evento el próximo año.

Hasta el festival previsto para el próximo año, el comité dijo que buscarán “hacer grandes cambios, manteniendo los elementos tradicionales que hacen que The Blue Crab Festival sea uno de los mejores festivales que este estado haya visto”. El comité está solicitando que las empresas que deseen patrocinar el evento en 2019 se comuniquen con el comité.


Hello Blue Crab Festival Community,
It is with a heavy heart, that the Blue Crab Committee is officially announcing that there will be no Blue Crab Festival 2018. Over the past 30 years, we have had an overwhelming amount of local support. There have been countless sponsors, volunteers, business and individuals that we owe an amazing 30 years to. We are thankful for each and every one of you and your generous time, donations and efforts. The Blue Crab Festival has brought in people from all over the nation and beyond to this beautiful town of Palatka, Florida. We all came together to celebrate Memorial Day and the men and women who fought and still fight every day to give us this freedom. The Blue Crab Committee cannot thank the community enough for coming out every year and showing us what freedom looks like!
Unfortunately, there has been a decrease in sponsorship from Florida organizations for small festivals like ours. We powered through last year and are grateful for all the local businesses that pushed to make last year happen with their sponsorship. We are saddened to say that this year, there just isn’t enough funds or sponsorship to put on the festival you all know and love. With that being said, the Blue Crab Festival Committee does not have any intention of closing up shop anytime soon! We have next year already in the works. During this “off year”, we plan to work with organizations and businesses, local and national, to rebuild The Blue Crab Festival. We plan to make big changes, while still keeping the traditional elements that make The Blue Crab Festival one of the best festivals this state has ever seen. We are currently working with sponsors and volunteers who are contributing to the festival. If you or your business want to be a part of The Blue Crab Festival, please visit our Facebook page and send us a message. We look forward to working with the community to rebuild the festival! See you next year!
The Blue Crab Committee
