Según esta información que tuvo su origen en el matutino de Telemundo Un nuevo día, la actriz y cantante mexicana uniría oficialmente su vida a la de su novio, el empresario Michel Kuri, este sábado 26 de agosto.

Tras la creciente ola de rumores, la intérprete rompió el silencio el pasado miércoles a través de las redes sociales.

“Yo pienso que las mentiras deben ser aclaradas por quienes las inventan”, escribió la inolvidable protagonista de la telenovela mexicana Chispita en Twitter, dejando claro que, al menos por el momento, no está en sus planes contraer nupcias con su pareja.
“Cuando tenga algo bonito que contar lo hago yo misma”, aseguró la estrella mexicana.
Lucero belies that he is getting married this weekend with Michel Kuri?

According to this information that had its origin in the morning of Telemundo A new day, the Mexican actress and singer would officially join her life to that of her boyfriend, businessman Michel Kuri, this Saturday, August 26.

After the growing wave of rumors, the singer broke the silence last Wednesday through social networks.

“I think the lies must be clarified by those who invent them,” wrote the unforgettable protagonist of the Mexican telenovela Chispita on Twitter, making it clear that, at least for the moment, he is not in his plans to marry his partner.

“When I have something nice to tell I do it myself,” said the Mexican star.

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